Island Foot and Ankle Surgery, LLC
35 Bill Fries Dr, Unit L
Hilton Head Island, SC 29926
(843) 895-2140
What are they?
Today we know that you don't have to be a liar, touch a toad, or drink a witch's evil potion to get a wart. In all probability, you can't even grow one by touching another person's wart. Apparently, these lesions are non-contagious but can spread within the involved area of the same individual. In actuality, warts are encapsulated or walled off growths of viral tissue. Plantar warts on the feet are frequently painful with squeezing type pressure. In the vast majority of cases, the growth of a wart is preceded by some sort of skin puncture or wound defect that in all probability, allows an entry site for contamination. Whether we all have inactive or potential wart viruses circulating in our bodies or gain the virus through the wound is as of yet unclear.
An interesting and often confusing distinction must be made between certain calluses and plantar warts. Skin lines or striations can be seen passing through callus tissue whereas they will pass around a wart. In addition, plantar warts, upon close examination, will often demonstrate small black dots which when trimmed will bleed. These are tiny blood vessels, which become caught in the growth itself and are absent in regular callus tissue. A final line of distinction in identifying a wart is in its response to pressure. Squeezing a wart will usually produce extreme pain as opposed to similar pain from direct pressure on calluses.
How do you treat them?
Warts that appear on the hands and fingers are usually more responsive to therapy than are those on the feet. The professional methods of treatment available for plantar warts include just about everything from chemical applications and surgery to Lawrey's seasoned salt and hypnosis. Some warts respond quickly and some do not, and that my friends, is just plain honesty. Each foot specialist seems to have his or her own favorite treatment methods that prove effective in the majority of cases. Even though we all know those old wives tales to be ridiculous, perhaps until your appointment with your foot specialist, you should stay away from toads, telling lies, and drinking weird tasting brews.