Island Foot and Ankle Surgery, LLC
35 Bill Fries Dr, Unit L
Hilton Head Island, SC 29926
(843) 895-2140
What are they?
Corns may be vegetables to a farmer, but quite a different item to the afflicted patient seeing a foot specialist. By definition, they are the hard, thickened areas of skin, which frequently are located on the top, ends, and outer portions of toes. Generally speaking, corns are nature's response to chronic friction and pressure. Ill fitted shoes, abnormal toe structure, and arthritic conditions are common causes of these annoying lesions. Often times, an underlying section of bone beneath the corn is the culprit in that it causes skin pinching or pressure with the enclosed shoe.
How do you treat them?
It seems obvious that with most any existing ailment of the body, one of three things can happen. The condition can improve and go away; it can stay the same; or it can become worse. Not being a licensed fortuneteller, I usually steer clear of predicting individual results. I will however, suggest the following points for your consideration: First of all, it is essential to check and modify if necessary, one's shoes so as to minimize excessive pressure at the area involved. Quite often, wearing a better-fitted shoe is enough to remedy the problem. Secondly, one should stay away from store bought medicinal pads and sharp cutting instruments as possible remedies. Self-abuse through the improper use of these items can often result in more serious damage to the skin. A third and most important suggestion for the person with a painful corn is that he seeks professional care.
Appropriate care for this problem is often necessary in order to correct or at least, prevent further progressive changes. Treating one's own foot problem is not necessarily detrimental when performed carefully and under the right conditions. The diabetic, the older aged individual, or the person with obvious circulatory problems are certainly in need of professional care and should not attempt self-treatment procedures. In short, the corn on the foot has no cob and is never a delight at barbecue parties. It can hurt until it interrupts one's daily walking and it often requires professional management.